Thursday, June 2, 2011

Running StrategyDesk in the GNU operating system (a.k.a. "Linux" or GNU / Linux)

To run TD Ameritrade's StrategyDesk program on my Fedora 14 system using WINE, I followed the instructions on the Trading With Linux blog. I've reproduced the steps below.

With StrategyDesk version 3.4, the steps were insufficient, so I ran the wine command in a terminal to view the output messages. As it turns out, the new version of StrategyDesk requires msvcp60.dll, so I used the Winetricks program to download and install the file for me. All the steps I took to get StragegyDesk running are detailed below.

  1. Open a Terminal (Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal).

  2. Install wine.
    sudo yum install wine

  3. Download Winetricks script.

  4. Make winetricks script executable.
    chmod +x winetricks

  5. Run winetricks.

  6. In the Winetricks - choose a wine prefix window, select "Select the default wineprefix" and click OK.

  7. In the Winetricks - current prefix is windows, click on "Install a Windows DLL or component and click OK.

  8. In the next window, select d3dx9, mfc40, mfc42 and vcrun6. Then click OK.

  9. Download SetupStrategyDesk.exe from TD Ameritrade website.

  10. Run SetupStrategyDesk.exe using wine.
    wine SetupStrategyDesk.exe

  11. Apply font smoothing by downloading and running the script. Select option 3, "Subpixel smoothing (ClearType) RGB".

  12. On my old Intel graphics hardware -- 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01), I got a lot of black boxes over parts of the StrategyDesk program. To resolve this issue, I added the following key and string to the WINE registry by using the WINE Registry Editor.

  13. Run StrategyDesk by double-clicking on the new icon on the desktop.

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